
Friday, June 18, 2010

A "ZOUT" Out to "Hints from Heloise"

Dear Hints from Heloise,
We have a dirty dilemna here in Westfield and we are hoping you'll help. While our boys have been burning up the baseball fields, the bleachers have been abuzz in search of a solvent solution to the stains spoiling the formerly shiny white pants of our team! We have diligently scrubbed, spotted, soaked and spun using a full artillery of chemical weapons, only to find that grass, sand, eye black and dirt are more worthy foes. Are we resigned to a season of dingy duds? Will our boys continue to use "We've got Bleach; We've got Oxy" as their "rally" cheer? Will we have to rename our team to the "Team Formerly Known as White?" We eagerly await your response.
Washing & Waiting in Westfield

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