
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Westfield Posts Solid Win Over Long Hill – Defense Solid

Westfield traveled to Meyersville field in Gillette on Tuesday afternoon to face a feisty Long Hill squad. Watching from the woods in deep center field, the Blue Devil faithful were treated to a very efficient 7-1 victory while serving as dinner for swarms of mosquitos. On the field, the offense chipped away throughout the game against the tough Long Hill hurlers. The offense was led by Brett Robertshaw and Vin Difilippo who each had 2 hits and RBIs and also by Liam Heinbokel added two, long run scoring sac flys. Chris Boutsikaris and Nick Mele also added key RBI sac flys. The offense would have scored more runs if Long Hill’s defense did not come up with strong plays. Hopper Murray launched two missles off of his new bat however he was robbed both times by great defensive plays. Scott Tupper scored a key run and Chris Varano, Devin Anderson, Chris Rinaldi and Michael Mobarakai each had hits.

Mobarakai and Rinaldi held the Long Hill bats in check, each throwing 3 innings apiece. They scattered 5 hits over 6 innings and struck out 3. The defense behind the Westfield pitching duo was spectacular all night. 4 Blue Balls were awarded for great defensive play.

In the 1st inning with a man on 3rd, catcher Devin Anderson fired a strike to first baseman Chris Boutsikaris to throw out a batter after a dropped 3rd strike and the Long Hill runner from 3rd was gunned down at the plate when Boutsikaris delivered a precision strike to Anderson who did a nice job of blocking the plate and applying the tag. In the 3rd inning, catcher Difilippo took exception to a Long Hill runner who was straying a little too far off of second base and he fired a laser to SS Rinaldi to pick off the runner at 2nd base. In the 4th inning, Rinaldi made a good stab on a comebacker to the mound and he fired to Murray at 3rd base to nail the runner from 2nd base who was attempting to advance. Difilippo grabbed the last Blue Ball of the day with a tremendous, diving, tumbling catch on a hard liner to left field.

Westfield faces Union next on Wednesday night at Gumbert Field #1.

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