
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Some initial musings and observations about Cooperstown:

It's a long ride, but there are Roy Rogers restaurants at every rest area.
A long ride is redefined as a long walk if you play on fields 11-14.
Dreams Park is just like Disney World....without the monorail system.

It rains alot in Cooperstown or at least it seems to or at least it looks like it's going to and then it does or it looks like rain but the sun comes out but then it still rains but it stops briefly and then turns to downpours or not...

If dreams "live" at the park, do they die at the cemetary right next door?

Carbohydrates constitute the entire food pyramid in Cooperstown.
Do not make fun of Jimmy Dean microwavable sandwiches until you've nuked a few!
Does it say anything about us that free samples at the Cider Mill was a travel "highlight?"

If you stayed at the Cooper Inn, then you wondered what the big deal was about finding a parking spot in town,
If you stayed at the HoJo's then you wondered why the keys never worked.
If you stayed at the Federal House, you wondered what that poor family from N.C. thought of Westfield folks.
If you stayed in the Barracks, you wonder if you will continue to have nightmares about the showers.

What will Utah, Colorado, Illinois, etc say about Westfield fans backhome ("They were loud and noisy and those were just the grandparents!" The rest of them were blue!" )
How cool AND annoying are vuvuzelas and will they be banned from Dreams Park after we have left town?

Local waitresses can't do math but we can't spell ViN or Mobi.
Maybe we needed a fiercer mascot name: The BoneCrushing Raging Storming Flame Throwing Blue Dawg Arsenal?

What do they feed kids in other states that grows them so big and makes that 200 feet wall seem so small?
Should there be a weight limit, like they do in football, before you are allowed to touch the baseball?
Our opponents might have had bigger bats but Westfield had heart the size of CC Sabathia's cleats!

Armed with a bag of lettuce, bug spray and a larger cooler of Gatorade who wouldn't stay in Cooperstown even longer to watch our boys just play ball?

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Late night, stream of consciousness blogging is always the best.
